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Result Summary

Number of genes 92
Genes Aats-arg Ack (GH10777) Atpalpha (GH23483) BicD Bsg25A CG10837 CG13151 CG14322 CG14438 (GM06595) CG14855 CG14896 CG14897 (GM04711) CG14998 CG15382 CG16974 (LD10349) CG1962 CG3136 (LD12677) CG31675 CG32575 (GM07804) CG3563 (LD41490) CG3679 CG3994 (RE54080) CG4040 CG4908 CG5208 CG6509 (LD32687) CG7015 CG7192 CG8235 CG8861 CG9170 CG9252 (SD07269) CG9922 CHORD CR30121 CR31781 CR32028 (CG7015) CR32162 CR43174 CR46037 Cctgamma Ect4 (GH20978) FB{}1097 (RE54096) Lcp65Ag3 MRE16 MtnA Mtor Pdi Ppa (CG9952) RpL34b RpS16 RpS18 RpS27 RpS29 RpS4 Rrp6 (GM04108) Spn (LD45234) Sry-alpha U2A Uhg4 aret (LD29068) aret (RE72594) asp bip2 (LD19767) cp309 dm (LD32539) dock eEF1 gamma eEF5 eIF-4G (RE51676) ea hrg l(1)G0331 larp (GM07509) lola (LD28033) mei-P26 osk ovo (LD47350) pgc pr ref(2)P (GH06306) ref(2)P (RE24064) scra (LD23793) smg (LD07551) smg (LD30037) snoRNA:(psi)28S-291 spir (GH13327) sta term trio (GH01987) wds