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Result Summary

Number of genes 97
Genes Act87E (RE14441) Adh (GH01616) Ama Ank2 Bsg25A Btk29A (LD16208) CG10361 CG11357 (RE75106) CG11811 (GH06691) CG12360 CG13077 CG13679 CG14217 CG14220 CG14322 CG14781 CG14814 (GM08325) CG14991 (GM03112) CG1516 CG15643 CG15715 CG15786 CG17153 CG1732 CG17508 CG17510 CG17600 (RE73905) CG18508 CG1962 CG2909 CG31121 (RE11181) CG31871 CG32316 (GH27234) CG3252 CG33129 CG33229 CG3578 CG3689 CG4004 (LD20718) CG4078 CG42258 CG4476 CG4576 CG4589 CG4893 CG5343 CG5525 CG5682 CG5800 CG5844 CG6276 CG6812 CG6959 CG7470 CG7685 CG7997 CG9449 CG9603 (COX7A) CR31032 CR42862 CkIIalpha Con Cyp6d5 DIP1 Dl ERp60 EcR (LD26915) FK506-bp2 Gdh Hr46 (GH09429) ImpE2 LD11162 Mct1 NetA Oatp26F RnrL (RE58177) RpL9 Tailless Tkr Tom Trim9 ap (SD05618) bip1 cenB1A (GM06875) cin cnc ea mRpS2 mira msk (LD30157) peb run sog svp (RE08410) tna (HL07357) toy (GH14454) usp