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Result Summary

Number of genes 64
Genes Atpalpha (GH23483) CG10628 CG10837 CG1091 CG11149 CG13151 CG13295 CG13321 CG14879 CG14960 CG15021 CG15382 CG17475 CG31675 CG31764 (RE18101) CG31810 CG32176 CG32392 (GH13213) CG3719 CG4908 CG5516 CG5582 CG6812 CG6830 CG6885 CG7718 CG8235 CG9036 CHORD CR40053 CR42871 CR43174 CR43872 Cyp9f3Psi (RE06354) Dms Ets97D Fst Lip4 Pp1alpha-96A Ppa (CG9952) Pvf3 Rad21 SNCF Ste12DOR (GM04658) TSG101 Tailless Tsp42Ee Wnt8 btsz (LP02621) bwa dpld (LD39167) eIF-2beta ea mbf1 (GM01267) nudC nullo ppa ppk pr roX1 run scw term wds