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Result Summary

Number of genes 68
Genes None ?Tub84B Arf51F C3G (RE10624) CG10641 CG10747 CG11384 CG11737 CG12081 CG12213 CG13990 CG14781 CG14991 (GM03112) CG15626 CG15818 CG1674 CG18041 CG2608 CG31121 (RE11181) CG3136 (LD12677) CG31495 CG33145 CG3947 CG43122 (cic) CG4942 CG5127 CG5844 CG5895 CG6145 CG6169 (GM04208) CG6812 CG7201 CG7712 CG7997 CG8104 CG8443 (LD19312) CG8665 CG8869 CG9699 (LD19219) CG9921 CG9925 (RE70955) CR32207 CR33963 CR45018 CR45713 DIP1 Dl Ent1 FK506-bp2 ImpE2 Mct1 NetA Nmdar1 Orc5 Pnn Sirt2 Stat92E Tailless Trim9 blue ckd hyd mira msk (LD30157) polo tara tna (HL07357) wor