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Result Summary

Number of genes 70
Genes 412{}878 Act42A Antp (GM05003) B52 (AT29232) CG10591 CG12011 CG12802 CG14040 CG14935 CG16865 CG18292 CG1986 (RE58783) CG2843 CG31088 CG31992 (LD47780) CG3203 CG32046 (RE37150) CG3734 CG5550 CG7785 CG7843 (LP08544) CG7916 (RE38722) CG8323 CG9894 CR30425 CR32162 CR42862 CR44999 Doc2 Ef1alpha Hsc70-4 Hsp83 Lk6 (GM07658) MRE16 Mcm5 MtnA Pc Rab39 Rm62 (LP04651) RpL10Ab RpL12 RpL21 RpL26 RpL3 RpLP1 RpS15Aa (RE54483) RpS15Ab RpS16 RpS20 RpS29 Rpn12 Sema-5c Slbp (GM06606) Spn43Ab Top2 c(3)G (RE56519) ds eEF1 gamma geminin l(3)01239 (RE13908) l(3)03670 mab-2 (SD05389) marge qua sala sca sta tsh twi (AT15089)