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Result Summary

Number of genes 75
Genes None CG10035 CG10154 CG10948 CG12121 CG12268 CG12400 CG12802 CG13912 CG1463 (RE61595) CG14687 CG15044 CG15626 CG15715 CG17493 CG17510 CG18480 (LP08921) CG2973 CG32137 CG32473 (RE62048) CG32576 CG32843 CG33281 CG33521 CG3621 CG5010 CG5903 (RH01253) CG6337 CG7111 (Rack1) CG7228 CG7371 CG8332 (RpS15) CG9326 (vari) CG9336 CG9422 CR18854 CR18854 (RE59362) CR30267 CR33941 CR44097 CR45184 CR45962 Cyp6a21 Grip75 HLHm3 Lcp65Ac Mad (RE72705) Mct1 Mpcp Nxt1 Pnn Qm Rack1 RnrL (RE58177) RpL18A RpL24 RpL3 RpL9 RpLP0 Taf10b Tdc1 (CG30445) Tsp74F TwdlN ase cin comm2 cpo (RE30936) didum dpp eIF-2beta fdl (RE17456) fidipidine mRpS26 mthl14 tna (HL07357)