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Result Summary

Number of genes 114
Genes ?Tub84B Abd-B Adh (GH01616) Arf51F CDase CG10338 CG10747 CG11737 CG11753 CG12213 CG12870 CG13252 (RE73241) CG13311 CG13384 CG14572 CG14670 CG14781 CG14814 (GM08325) CG14991 (GM03112) CG1738 CG18041 CG1962 CG1998 CG31002 CG32276 CG32843 CG32972 CG3305 CG33108 CG33129 CG33229 CG3759 CG5010 CG5196 CG5491 CG5800 CG5895 CG6169 (GM04208) CG6520 CG6812 CG7747 CG7997 CG8192 (GM03482) CG8629 CG8778 CG8852 CG9117 CG9253 CG9326 (vari) CG9641 CG9699 (LD19219) CG9773 CG9921 CR18854 (RE59362) CR31386 CR32218 CR42549 CR42862 CR42871 CR43464 CR45109 CR45184 CR46037 Cg25C (GM04010) Cyp6t1 Cyp9f3Psi (RE06354) Doc{}1420 Eaat1 EcR (LD26915) EcR (RE16656) Ent1 FK506-bp2 Hr39 Hr46 (GH09429) Lip4 MAGE Med24 NPC1 NetA Nos Orc5 Ppa (CG9952) RE19504 Rack1 Rad21 RhoGAPp190 (RE10888) Rip alpha RpL24 RpL3 SNF4Agamma (CG17299) Sep2 Surf4 (RE20382) Tom Trim9 Tsp74F Vha68-2 brat (LD16270) bwa cin ckd fdl (RE17456) feo (GM03548) kay lbm mRpL46 (CG13922) mthl14 odd or rap rl roX1 sca svp (GH08189) wor