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Result Summary

Number of genes 103
Genes Aats-arg Bka CG10904 CG11188 CG12547 CG12643 CG13014 CG13049 CG13295 CG13385 CG14153 CG14229 CG14299 CG14327 CG14516 CG15073 CG15120 CG15433 CG15611 (GM09915) CG15715 CG16863 CG17023 (Dbp80) CG17508 CG17510 CG18508 CG1859 (Spn43Ad) CG2100 (LP10544) CG2812 CG3008 CG30403 CG31368 (RE35509) CG31607 CG32343 CG32576 CG3683 CG4078 CG42679 (Lmpt) CG4616 (LD12230) CG5021 CG5382 (RE29207) CG5823 (RE16955) CG5861 CG6310 (AT03632) CG6551 (fu) CG7028 CG7047 (RE30730) CG7457 CG7872 CG8173 CG8230 CG9036 CG9140 (RE33648) CG9422 CR15345 CR18854 CR31451 CR31647 CR32205 CR32252 CR32582 CR32957 CR43159 CR43476 CR43670 CR44029 CR44872 CR45030 CR45923 CR45962 CR46179 Cyp6t1 Ext2 (RE05051) HmgZ Hmr (LD22117) MAGE NLaz (LP01657) Nelf-E Obp83g Osi18 Pif2 Pph13 Rb97D SNF4Agamma (CG17299) Sirt2 TSG101 Taf10b Tdc1 (CG30445) TfIIB TfIIFbeta bel eIF-2beta fs(1)Yb galectin halo hrg kls (LD36052) l(2)09851 l(2)37Bb (RE18450) mRpL46 (CG13922) mus101 qkr58E-2 rtGEF unc-4