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Result Summary

Number of genes 71
Genes ?Tub84B Acon Act42A ApepP Awh Axud1 (CG4272) CG10195 CG10624 CG11178 CG11426 CG11811 (GH06691) CG1208 CG12213 CG13151 CG13298 CG13532 CG1463 (RE61595) CG16876 (RE33721) CG1732 CG17493 CG17746 CG2909 CG30403 CG31223 CG31495 CG31646 CG31871 CG32982 (RE11317) CG4203 CG4476 CG4942 CG5343 CG5800 CG6959 CG7222 CG7628 CG7997 CG8027 CG8924 CG9215 CG9603 (COX7A) CG9699 (LD19219) CR31647 CR31781 (LP04536) CR42862 CR46037 CR46268 CaMKI (GH05702) Cpsf5 CtBP (GH20987) Hsp27 (LP10040) Hsp83 LD11162 Lis-1 Mct1 NetA Pabp2 RpL9 RpLP0 Sem1 (CG13779) TfIIB UbcD2 Ugt86Da (RE18708) ase brat (LD16270) c(2)M hrg l(1)10Bb l(3)02640 mRpS17 rl