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Adult Tissues / Male reproductive tissues / Phenotype - Testis

Result Summary

Number of genes 6

Probe HM_CR43416 Links: Permalink

Genes: CR43416


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms
Male reproductive tissues Adult Tissues
 Male reproductive tissues
   Testis Cell type and stage - TE
    Spermatocytes -TE
     Cytoplasmic in Spermatocytes - TE
    Spermatids -TE
     Individualizing Spermatids - TE
      Cytoplasmic in individualizing spermatids - TE
       Cytoplasmic foci in individualizing spermatids - TE
     Elongating Spermatids - TE
      Cytoplasmic in elongating spermatids-TE
    Muscle cells - TE
     Cytoplasmic in muscle cells - TE
   Subcellularly localized - TE
   Expression level-TE
    Expressed Medium - TE
   Distal tip region-TE
    Expressed in distal tip region - TE
     Lower expression in tip region
  Seminal Vesicle
   Subcellularly localized - SV
    Scattered Foci - SV
   Expression level-SV
    Expressed Low - SV
   Cell type - SV
     Perinuclear - SV
  Phenotype - Testis
   Fertility phenotype - Testis
  Ejaculatory Duct
   Subcellularly localized - ED
   Expression level-ED
    Expressed Low - ED
   Cell type - ED
     Cytoplasmic Foci - ED
      Diffuse localization-ED
  Accessory Gland
   Expression level-AG
    Expressed Medium - AG
   Subcellularly localized - AG
   Lumenal - AG
    Diffuse foci-AG
   Cell type - AG
    Secondary cells - AG
      Multivesicular bodies - SC
    Main cells -AG
      Cytoplasmic Foci - AG
   Basal Enrichment - MC


Note: Interesting RNA localization patterns, adult male gonad.

Probe teCR3-E10-CR43862 Links: Permalink

Genes: CR43862


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms
Male reproductive tissues Adult Tissues
 Male reproductive tissues
   Testis Cell type and stage - TE
     Cytoplasmic in spermatogonium-TE
      Cytoplasmic foci in spermatogonium - TE
    Spermatocytes -TE
     Y-Loop pattern - TE
     Nuclear in Spermatocytes - TE
     Late Spermatocytes- TE
      Nuclear in late spermatocytes - TE
     Cytoplasmic in Spermatocytes - TE
      Cytoplasmic puncta in spermatocyte-TE
    Spermatids -TE
     Individualizing Spermatids - TE
      Cytoplasmic in individualizing spermatids - TE
      Cystic bulge - TE
   Subcellularly localized - TE
   Expression level-TE
    Expressed Medium - TE
   Distal tip region-TE
    Expressed in distal tip region - TE
     Specific tip region cells-TE
      Early cyst cell
       Cytoplasmic in early cyst cell
        Cytoplasmic foci in early cyst cell - TE
     Lower expression in tip region
  Seminal Vesicle
   Subcellularly localized - SV
    Scattered Foci - SV
   Expression level-SV
    Expressed Low - SV
   Cell type - SV
     Cytoplasmic Foci - SV
  Phenotype - Testis
   Fertility phenotype - Testis
  Ejaculatory Duct
   Expression level-ED
    Not Expressed - ED
  Accessory Gland
   Expression level-AG
    Not Expressed - AG


Interesting adult testis RNA localization patterns.

Probe teCR2-H11-CR44792 Links: Permalink

Genes: lncRNA:TS15


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms
Male reproductive tissues Adult Tissues
 Male reproductive tissues
   Testis Cell type and stage - TE
    Spermatocytes -TE
     Y-Loop pattern - TE
     Nuclear in Spermatocytes - TE
    Spermatids -TE
     Elongating Spermatids - TE
   Subcellularly localized - TE
   Expression level-TE
    Expressed High - TE
   Distal tip region-TE
    Expressed in distal tip region - TE
     Lower expression in tip region
  Seminal Vesicle
   Expression level-SV
    Expressed Low - SV
   Cell type - SV
     Nuclear associated - SV
      Nuclear Foci - SV
  Phenotype - Testis
   Fertility phenotype - Testis
  Ejaculatory Duct
   Expression level-ED
    Expressed Low - ED
   Cell type - ED
     Nuclear associated - Ejaculatory Duct
      Subnuclear - Ejaculatory Duct
       Nuclear Foci - Ejaculatory Duct
  Accessory Gland
   Subcellularly localized - AG
   Expression level-AG
    Expressed Medium - AG
   Cell type - AG
    Secondary cells - AG
      Nuclear Foci-SC
    Main cells -AG
     Nuclear- MC
      Nuclear foci-mc


Very interesting RNA localization patterns in testis and accessory glands - Adult

Probe teCR2-D2-CR46323 Links: Permalink

Genes: lncRNA:TS1


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms
Male reproductive tissues Adult Tissues
 Male reproductive tissues
   Distal tip region-TE
    Not Expressed in distal tip region -TE
   Testis Cell type and stage - TE
    Spermatids -TE
     Elongating Spermatids - TE
      Cytoplasmic in elongating spermatids-TE
   Subcellularly localized - TE
   Expression level-TE
    Expressed Low - TE
  Seminal Vesicle
   Expression level-SV
    Not Expressed - SV
  Phenotype - Testis
   Fertility phenotype - Testis
  Ejaculatory Duct
   Expression level-ED
    Not Expressed - ED
  Accessory Gland
   Expression level-AG
    Not Expressed - AG


Probe teCR2-D8-CR46325 Links: Permalink

Genes: lncRNA:TS3


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms
Male reproductive tissues Adult Tissues
 Male reproductive tissues
   Distal tip region-TE
    Not Expressed in distal tip region -TE
   Expression level-TE
    Expressed Low - TE
   Testis Cell type and stage - TE
    Spermatids -TE
     Individualizing Spermatids - TE
      Cytoplasmic in individualizing spermatids - TE
     Elongating Spermatids - TE
      Cytoplasmic in elongating spermatids-TE
  Seminal Vesicle
   Expression level-SV
    Not Expressed - SV
  Phenotype - Testis
   Fertility phenotype - Testis
  Ejaculatory Duct
   Expression level-ED
    Not Expressed - ED
  Accessory Gland
   Expression level-AG
    Not Expressed - AG


Probe teCR2-C12-CR46333 Links: Permalink

Genes: lncRNA:TS26


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms
Male reproductive tissues Adult Tissues
 Male reproductive tissues
   Testis Cell type and stage - TE
     Cytoplasmic in spermatogonium-TE
    Spermatocytes -TE
     Cytoplasmic in Spermatocytes - TE
    Spermatids -TE
     Elongating Spermatids - TE
      Cytoplasmic in elongating spermatids-TE
   Subcellularly localized - TE
   Expression level-TE
    Expressed Low - TE
   Distal tip region-TE
    Expressed in distal tip region - TE
     Specific tip region cells-TE
      Early cyst cell
       Cytoplasmic in early cyst cell
     Lower expression in tip region
  Seminal Vesicle
   Subcellularly localized - SV
    Scattered Foci - SV
   Expression level-SV
    Expressed Low - SV
   Cell type - SV
     Cytoplasmic Foci - SV
  Phenotype - Testis
   Fertility phenotype - Testis
  Ejaculatory Duct
   Subcellularly localized - ED
    Sleeve - ED
     Non-particulate - ED
    Anterior ejaculatory duct papilla-ED
     Cytoplasmic in anterior ejaculatory papilla-ED
      Apical membrane enriched-Anterior ejaculatory papilla
   Expression level-ED
    Expressed Low - ED
   Cell type - ED
     Cytoplasmic Foci - ED
      Diffuse localization-ED
  Accessory Gland
   Subcellularly localized - AG
   Lumenal - AG
    Non-particulate - AG
   Expression level-AG
    Expressed Low - AG
   Cell type - AG
    Secondary cells - AG
    Main cells -AG
