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Result Summary

Number of genes 67
Genes ?Tub84B Abd-B Act42A Act87E (RE14441) ApepP CG10154 CG10624 CG11737 CG13990 CG14814 (RE06257) CG14991 (GM03112) CG1516 CG18508 CG3077 CG31635 (GM03875) CG33229 CG33456 CG3683 CG4998 CG5021 CG5196 CG5823 (RE16955) CG7272 CG7658 CG8104 CG8192 (GM03482) CG8332 (RpS15) CG8780 CG8788 CG9380 CG9422 CG9699 (LD19219) CR31647 CR31781 CR32646 (RE25290) CR42254 CR42862 CR43159 CR45713 CR46037 Ca-P60A (GM04226) Cat Cg25C (GM04010) CkIIalpha Cyp6t1 Ef1alpha Esp FK506-bp2 GlcAT-I (GM03003) Hexo1 (RE27784) Orc5 RPE65 Rad21 RpL10Ab SNF4Agamma (CG17299) Sep1 Sep2 Su(Tpl) Tailless bip2 (LD19767) bsk (RE08746) l(1)10Bb mRpL49 mthl9 roo{}316 shn (GH23228) tara