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Result Summary

Number of genes 62
Genes Act42A Act87E (RE14441) Bx (RE72043) CG11825 CG12643 CG13506 (RE21686) CG14322 CG14814 (GM08325) CG15044 CG17145 CG17508 CG2150 CG2177 CG32473 (RE62048) CG3305 CG3621 CG3884 CG4994 (Mpcp) CG5344 CG5525 CG5682 CG5800 CG5958 CG6119 (GH16917) CG7111 (Rack1) CG8332 (RpS15) CG8665 CG9380 CR31032 CR31451 CR31647 CR32218 CR33941 CR42862 CR9337 Cat CtBP (GH20987) Cyp6d5 Eaat1 Eip75B (GM04985) HLHm3 Hexo1 (RE27784) Hsp83 LvpL Mad (RE72705) Mpcp Qm Rack1 RnrL (RE58177) RpL10Ab RpL12 RpL18A RpL3 RpL9 RpLP0 RpS7 bwa cnc comm2 eIF-2beta fdl (RE17456) yip6