3rd Instar Larval Tissues
Fat body
Expressed in fat body
Fat body allover - Ubiquitous
Borderline between 'not expressed' and 'low expression'
3rd Instar Larval Tissues
Expressed in proventriculus
Expressed in midgut
Subcellular localization in midgut
Midgut - Nuclear
Midgut - Subnuclear
Midgut - foci
Midgut allover
Expressed in gastric caeca
imaginal discs
3rd Instar Larval Tissues
Imaginal discs
Expressed in leg discs
Expressed in eye disc
Expressed in antennal disc
Borderline between 'not expressed' and 'low expression'
nervous system
3rd Instar Larval Tissues
Nervous system
Expressed in brain lobes
Brain lobes allover
Brain lobes - Foci or dots
salivary gland
3rd Instar Larval Tissues
Salivary gland
Subcellular localization in salivary gland
Salivary gland - membrane
Expressed in salivary glands
Borderline between 'not expressed' and 'low expression'
lymph glands and ring glands
3rd Instar Larval Tissues
Lymph Glands and Ring Glands
Ring gland
Expressed in ring gland
Ring gland allover
Lymph Glands
Expressed in lymph glands
Lymph glands all over
Good probe on gel.
Not a good in situ for the embryo data - may need to redo.