Probe Frl-RB Links: Permalink

Genes: Frl


Area Images Terms
stage 1-3 Stage 1-3
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Cytoplasmic foci
   Embryonic localization patterns
    Yolk plasm localization
stage 4-5 Stage 4-5
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Yolk cortex localization
    Exclusionary patterns
     Yolk plasm exclusion
  Degraded partially stage 4
stage 6-7 Stage 6-7
   Zygotic starting stage 6
   Blastoderm nuclei
    Subset blastoderm nuclei
     Ventral blastoderm nuclei
     Expression in ectoderm
    All blastoderm nuclei
     Transiently widespread
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Nuclei-associated localization
     Perinuclear localization
      Perinuclear subset of nuclei
stage 8-9 Stage 8-9
   Blastoderm nuclei
    Subset blastoderm nuclei
     Ventral blastoderm nuclei
     Expression in ectoderm
    All blastoderm nuclei
     Persistent widespread
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Nuclei-associated localization
     Accumulation in subset nuclei
    Cytoplasmic foci
   Embryonic localization patterns
    Ventral localization
stage 10-17 Stage 10-17
   Segmented pattern
   Maxillary complex
   Germ cell nuclei
    Ventral nerve cord
     Perinuclear VNC
   Clypeo-labral bud
   Anal pad
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Perinuclear localization
     Perinuclear around ectoderm nuclei


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms


-performed via HCR-FISH using 3 probe sets targeting the RB transcript isoform
-very diverse expression patterns in the late embryos; possibly expressed in the germ cell