
Links: FlyBase, BDGP InSitu, DOT, Permalink

Probe RH02475 Links: Permalink

Genes: CG9394


Area Images Terms
stage 1-3 Stage 1-3
  Weak expression (>41ms exp)
stage 4-5 Stage 4-5
   Zygotic starting stage 5
   Blastoderm nuclei
    Subset blastoderm nuclei
     Ventral blastoderm nuclei
  Weak expression (>41ms exp)
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Exclusionary patterns
     Pole cell exclusion
     Apical exclusion
    Basal localization
     Basal enrichment
   Embryonic localization patterns
  Degraded completely stage 4
  Degradation maternal transcripts
stage 6-7 Stage 6-7
   Blastoderm nuclei
    Subset blastoderm nuclei
     Ventral blastoderm nuclei
     Random blastoderm nuclei
     Expression in API
  Weak expression (>41ms exp)
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Cytoplasmic foci
    Basal localization
     Basal enrichment
   Embryonic localization patterns
stage 8-9 Stage 8-9
   Blastoderm nuclei
    Subset blastoderm nuclei
     Ventral blastoderm nuclei
     Random blastoderm nuclei
     Expression in neuroblasts
     Expression in ectoderm
stage 10-17 Stage 10-17
   Blastoderm nuclei


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms


Salivary glands, ventral midline, midgut, head, etc.
Good probe on gel ------ See map: CG9394 overlaps with the king-tubby gene _______ Important note: some images are from probe RH02173 (same plate, well B3). From the same gene CG9394.