
Links: FlyBase, BDGP InSitu, DOT, Permalink

Probe CG42239-RA Links: Permalink

Genes: CG42239


Area Images Terms
stage 1-3 Stage 1-3
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Cytoplasmic foci
   Embryonic localization patterns
    Yolk plasm localization
     Yolk plasm enrichment
    Exclusionary patterns
stage 4-5 Stage 4-5
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Yolk plasm localization
     Yolk plasm enrichment
    Yolk cortex localization
     Yolk cortex enrichment
    Cytoplasmic foci
stage 6-7 Stage 6-7
   Yolk cortex localization
    Yolk cortex enrichment
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Exclusionary patterns
     Yolk plasm exclusion
    Cytoplasmic foci
  Degraded partially stage 6
  Degradation maternal transcripts
stage 8-9 Stage 8-9
   Blastoderm nuclei
    Subset blastoderm nuclei
     Ventral blastoderm nuclei
     Anterior blastoderm nuclei
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Perinuclear localization
     Perinuclear around blastoderm nuclei
    Cytoplasmic foci
   Embryonic localization patterns
    Ventral localization
    Posterior localization
  Degraded partially stage 9
stage 10-17 Stage 10-17


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms


-becomes very hard to detect after early germband elongation and is rapidly degraded, it may still be weakly ubiquitous in later stages but expression levels border between expressed and non-expressed
-performed via HCR-FISH using 3 probe sets targeting the RA transcript isoform