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Result Summary

Number of genes 193
Genes Acer Ance Asx Atpalpha (GH23483) BcDNA:GH10270 Bsg25D CG10082 CG10192 CG10479 CG10592 CG10749 CG10882 CG11198 CG11406 CG1146 CG11880 CG1233 CG1240 CG12576 CG12581 (GM02933) CG12802 CG13366 CG13506 (RE21686) CG1371 CG13784 (GH13387) CG13894 CG1409 CG14427 CG14546 CG1461 CG15236 CG15296 CG15482 CG15530 CG15634 CG1646 CG16721 CG16838 CG17723 CG2162 (LD38004) CG2162 (LD40717) CG30023 CG30115 (GH16956) CG30372 (SD04969) CG31012 CG31055 CG31099 CG31176 CG31246 CG31368 (LP02069) CG31522 (LD10305) CG31531 (GH25780) CG31536 (SD09116) CG31607 CG32081 (AT21186) CG32306 (LD29569) CG32396 CG32594 CG32827 CG33067 CG33229 CG3502 CG40198 CG4362 CG4673 CG4702 CG4887 CG5059 CG5077 CG5150 CG5175 CG5669 CG6045 CG6234 CG6560 CG6579 CG6790 CG7228 CG7846 CG7986 CG8083 CG8147 CG8197 CG8214 CG8486 (AT29333) CG8654 CG8668 CG8806 CG8960 CG9392 CG9775 CR32218 CR33963 CR42651 CR42862 CR42862 CR45030 Cct1 Cdc27 Chro Corp CycT Dl Doc{}331 E78 Elongin-C FB{}1097 (RE54096) GH06606 GM03761 Glycogenin Gp150 Gug (SD07343) Hel89B Hsp70Aa Jra LD14268 LD43581 Mkp3 (SD06439) NFAT NetA Nhe2 PHGPx Paip2 Pfrx Pitslre Prosap (RE43210) Ptp4E Rapgap1 Rel Rgl RpL3 RpLP1 Rtnl1 (LD14068) Su(Tpl) Su(var)2-HP2 Sulf1 (LD03060) Taf4 Ten-a Tom Traf1 Trap170 Trim9 Trl (LD41963) Trn-SR W aay ash1 beta-Spec beta4GalT7 bnb btsz (LP02621) bun cbx charybde (LD22381) chif (LD19808) cnn diver2{}580 dpp drm emp glec hb hrg inx3 jhamt l(1)G0334 l(1)dd4 (GM14553) l(2)08717 l(3)00305 l(3)10615 l(3)82Fd (GH11677) lola (LD28033) mask (LD04107) msl-2 nAcRalpha-30D nesprin numb phl (GH03557) plexA (GM05237) ppa ps roX1 scw scylla skd sktl snoRNA:(psi)28S-291 stwl su(w[a]) tna (LD16921) unc-13 (GH09925) ush zfh2