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Result Summary

Number of genes 128
Genes Act87E (RE14441) Bin1 CAH1 CG10249 CG10361 CG10435 CG10793 CG11066 CG11153 CG11253 CG11915 CG12590 CG13168 CG13466 CG13627 CG13636 CG1441 CG14423 CG14526 CG14775 CG15878 CG1625 CG17274 CG17680 CG2909 CG2915 CG30116 (AT26369) CG30116 (GH04922) CG30194 CG3085 CG31176 CG31291 CG31363 (LD21358) CG31530 (RE24196) CG31612 CG31790 CG32245 (GH25458) CG32392 (GH13213) CG32626 (GH10492) CG32626 (RE05438) CG3605 CG4576 CG4847 CG5343 CG5439 CG6126 CG6218 CG6225 CG6234 CG6356 CG6403 CG6560 CG6980 CG7069 CG7702 CG7718 CG8197 CG8486 (LD05120) CG8568 CG8638 CG8778 CG8780 CHES-1-like CR31969 (GH01205) CR31969 (GH11322) CR45109 Cam (LD02334) D Dg (GH09323) Ect4 (GH20978) Ets65A (GH07491) Ets65A (GH18452) Fas1 FucT6 GH06606 Glycogenin Hr46 (GH21112) Hsp27 (LP10040) Hsp70Aa Hsp83 IFa Mct1 Nckx30C (GH04818) Pde6 Pi3K68D (LD28067) Sox21b Trim9 ap (HL02012) ara beat-IIa br (LP12157) bwa cas cenG1A (LD11783) cpo (RE30936) ctp dpn dy ewg eya (GH05272) fng fus (LP10580) grim hb l(2)05510 lbm lmd mol (LD27791) msk (LD30157) nonA-l nuf (LD08622) nuf (RE46851) pain pav pdm2 (RE49429) peb ppk repo rept (LD12420) ru run scrt sna so sob svp (AT29920) trn tup