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Result Summary

Number of genes 112
Genes CG10249 CG10433 CG10936 (RE29777) CG10960 CG11398 CG12880 CG13043 CG15382 CG2767 CG31140 CG31176 CG32030 (LD24110) CG32159 CG32266 CG32354 CG32626 (GH10492) CG32645 CG3799 CG3906 CG42611 (mgl) CG5288 CG5873 CG6330 CG6967 CG7549 CG8062 CG8213 CG8443 (LD19312) CG8740 CG9194 CG9326 (vari) CG9386 CG9535 CG9628 CG9747 CR18217 CR31144 CR31386 CR32162 CR32218 CR33963 CR33987 CR42871 CR43174 CR43887 CR44097 CR44206 CR44690 CR44807 CR44999 Cip4 (GM03419) Cp1 (GH06439) DHR51 ERp60 Fas2 GluRIID HLHm3 HM_CR43261 Hsc70-3 ImpL1 Jafrac1 (GM14788) Lcp65Ag2 MRE16 Mekk1 Mhc NetA Nos Obp99a Osi17 Osi6 Pif1A (GH12504) Rack1 RpL22 RpL3 RpL34b RpLP1 RpS16 RpS29 RpS4 S2P Tps1 (GH08860) Uhg2 Wnt4 betaCop bt (GH07636) cnc dia diver{}1372 dyl eEF1 gamma eEF1delta ea ect f-cup glec iab-4 ken ligatin lncRNA:TS15 lncRNA:mimi mTTF (LD33443) nahoda (GH04942) nop5 pgant3 ppa sd sda (GH07466) snoRNA:(psi)28S-291 sta trn tup vri