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Result Summary

Number of genes 93
Genes AP-1gamma AP-1sigma ASPP Ance-5 Apc2 Best1 CG10139 CG10211 CG10513 CG11066 CG11169 CG11236 CG12191 CG12590 CG1309 CG13679 CG13850 CG15236 CG15239 CG15382 CG1674 CG16758 CG16787 CG17223 CG17290 CG2909 CG3033 CG31004 (LP04442) CG31343 (GH24371) CG31361 CG31531 (GH25780) CG31550 (GH04826) CG31732 (SD06513) CG31802 CG32030 (LD24110) CG32181 CG33229 CG3960 (GH23906) CG42611 (mgl) CG4440 CG4738 CG5122 CG5144 CG5397 CG5555 CG5873 CG6234 CG6279 CG6432 CG6967 CG8004 CG8234 CG8370 CG8481 CG8579 CR31044 CR31386 CR40053 CR44095 CR44206 Cad96Ca Cht3 (LP05745) Cpr47Eg Cyp6a18 Dys (RE11449) ERp60 Hsp60 Nckx30C (GH04818) NfI Rb97D RhoGAPp190 (RE10888) RpII215 RpL34b Spn (LD45234) Tkr Trim9 TwdlY Vps28 alpha-Est7 bt (GM13171) cpsf esc gol halo hdc hug or ovo (LD47350) ref(2)P (RE24064) slp1 wrapper zormin