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Result Summary

Number of genes 100
Genes Abd-B Act87E (RE14441) Asph (GM05229) BcDNA:GH10270 Bsg25D CG10035 CG10361 CG10465 CG10555 CG10624 CG10936 (RE29777) CG11178 CG11261 CG11416 CG11737 CG11811 (GH06691) CG12045 CG13151 CG14670 CG14781 CG15786 CG1643 CG16896 CG17843 CG3077 CG31121 (RE11181) CG3136 (LD12677) CG31871 CG32029 (RE57183) CG32075 CG32177 CG33075 CG33129 CG3689 CG4500 CG4576 CG4589 CG4616 (LD48056) CG5447 (RE57104) CG5571 CG5682 CG6145 CG7289 CG7997 CG8192 (GM03482) CG8506 CG8598 CG8677 (LD19244) CG8852 CG9265 CG9449 CG9886 CR32730 CR45018 Cyp4c3 DHR4 DHR51 DHR83 Dhod ERR EcR (RE16656) Glt GluRIID Hr46 (GH09429) Hr96 LD11162 Lag1 Lip4 NetA Neu3 Nhe1 Nos Pgm RhoGAPp190 (RE10888) Scs-fp (GH13919) SerT Srp54 Su(Tpl) Syx5 TwdlN Ugt86Da (GM04645) bip1 blp blue bt (GM13171) ftz-f1 (LD11885) ftz-f1 (LD34889) mira mnd nAcRalpha-80B odd or par-6 peb ppl run sog tara tld yip2