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Result Summary

Number of genes 89
Genes Alhambra (LD39491) Ama Bsg25D C3G (RE10624) CG10086 CG10338 CG10361 CG10747 CG11267 CG13197 CG13594 CG14229 CG14572 CG14781 CG14991 (GM03112) CG15233 CG15626 CG15643 CG15715 CG15731 CG15786 CG16728 CG17322 CG17843 CG30493 CG31121 (RE11181) CG32177 CG3287 CG33108 CG33129 CG3683 CG4078 CG4511 (GM03430) CG4658 CG5089 CG5491 CG5571 CG5682 CG7239 (RE17389) CG8506 CG8665 CG8710 (GM04053) CG8852 CG9215 CG9886 CG9917 (GM03616) CR32027 CR45018 CR45923 Caf1-180 (SD02526) Con Cyp49a1 (RE11411) Cyp6d2 Cyp6d5 Cyp6t1 Cyp9b1 D19A Dissatisfaction Dys (RE11449) E(var)3-9 E78 Hsp60 Ide ND75 Neu3 PDCD-5 RPE65 RhoGAPp190 (RE10888) Srp54 Su(var)3-7 Syx5 Tailless b blp blue brat (LD16270) bwa crc ect esc fs(1)N mus101 par-6 roo{}316 shn (GH23228) snRNP-U1-70K tara yip2 ytr