CkIIalpha-i1 CG6215

Links: FlyBase, BDGP InSitu, DOT, Permalink

Probe RE16596 Links: Permalink

Genes: CkIIalpha-i1


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms
fat body 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Fat body
  Not expressed in fat body
intestine 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
  Not expressed in the intestine
imaginal discs 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Imaginal discs
  Not expressed in imaginal discs
salivary gland 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Salivary gland
  Not expressed in salivary glands
ovary and testis 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Larval Ovary and Testis-Larva
  Specific ovary expression localization
   Ovary foci
  Expressed in Ovary
muscles 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Larval Muscles - larva
  Not expressed in larval muscles - Larva


Area Images Terms


Good probe on gel.
Interesting larval ovary expression.