Oatp26F CG31634

Links: FlyBase, BDGP InSitu, DOT, Permalink

Probe RE32029 Links: Permalink

Genes: Oatp26F


Area Images Terms
stage 1-3 Stage 1-3
stage 4-5 Stage 4-5
stage 6-7 Stage 6-7
stage 8-9 Stage 8-9
stage 10-17 Stage 10-17
    Ventral nerve cord
   Subcellular localization patterns
     Small Foci
    Cell extensions or 'podia'


Area Images Terms
nervous system 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Nervous system
  Expressed in ventral nerve cord
   Ventral nerve cord - foci or 'dots'
   Localized to axons
  Expressed in brain lobes
   Brain lobes - Foci or dots


Area Images Terms


Good probe on gel.
Larval ventral midline.
It is hard to distinguish if the axons in the larval ventral nerve cord are 'axons' or 'tracheal extensions.