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Result Summary

Number of genes 96
Genes CG10051 CG14960 CG32066 CG45783 (Pzl) CG5895 CLIP-190 (GM09007) CR12798 CR14310 CR17572 CR32111 CR32385 CR32773 CR32868 CR33938 (pncr002:3R) CR33963 CR40182 CR40820 CR41571 CR42408 CR42418 CR42862 CR43174 CR43234 CR43252 CR43257 CR43309 CR43314 CR43468 CR43474 CR43616 CR43616 CR43621 CR43622 CR43642 CR43650 CR43695 CR43753 CR43911 CR43950 CR44016 CR44053 CR44095 CR44155 CR44186 CR44365 CR44515 CR44518 CR44519 CR44541 CR44547 CR44585 CR44608 CR44657 CR44833 CR44852 CR44894 CR45018 CR45104 CR45126 CR45141 CR45174 CR45184 CR45214 CR45220 CR45259 CR45283 CR45309 CR45347 CR45350 CR45376 CR45400 CR45409 CR45418 CR45449 CR45479 CR45485 CR45531 CR45556 CR45624 CR45706 CR45723 CR45796 CR45801 CR45891 CR45964 CR45965 CR46061 CR46108 CR46253 CR46330 Cyp9f3Psi (RE06354) Imp (GM09708) Stellate dbo roX1 roX2