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Result Summary

Number of genes 87
Genes ?Tub84B Akr1B CG11066 CG11384 CG11737 CG11811 (RE11961) CG13606 CG14375 CG15554 CG18493 CG32066 CG45783 (Pzl) CG4658 CG5895 CG6628 CG6812 CG9503 CG9518 CR17572 CR31144 CR31400 CR32172 CR33945 CR40820 CR40820 CR41533 CR41571 CR42415 CR42418 CR42452 CR42862 CR43458 CR43464 CR43481 CR43493 CR43616 CR43636 CR43695 CR43754 CR43794 CR43801 CR43834 CR43842 CR43911 CR43961 CR43995 CR44024 CR44175 CR44225 CR44518 CR44552 CR44555 CR44724 CR44766 CR44833 CR44909 CR44938 CR44999 CR45104 CR45141 CR45204 CR45362 CR45371 CR45400 CR45523 CR45535 CR45624 CR45722 CR45723 CR45796 CR45796 CR45995 CR46061 CR46119 CR46123 CR46148 CR46219 CR46258 Doc{}331 Dys (RE11449) Mtl Tsp42Ee eIF4G2 eya (GH05272) mle pzl upd1