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Result Summary

Number of genes 61
Genes CG10082 CG10096 (GH01346) CG10274 CG10625 CG12017 CG1342 CG1461 CG14655 CG14969 CG15208 CG1548 CG17754 (LP02641) CG1983 CG2006 CG30467 CG32106 CG3563 (LD41490) CG3654 (LD39559) CG3808 CG4069 CG4091 CG4771 CG5047 CG5130 CG5913 CG5989 CG6128 (RE43246) CG6608 CG7544 CG8398 CG8907 CG9134 CG9591 Cyp12c1 Cyp6u1 Cyt-b5-r EcR (LD26915) GATAd GH12056 Hr39 Idgf1 (GH18152) JhI-21 Mkp3 (SD06439) Nos Pdi Ptp61F Rlip RpL3 RpLP1 TMS1 Tk chico fl(2)d fry (SD10447) l(3)01239 (RE13908) marge mthl8 nesprin rost slo (GH10751) sta