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Result Summary

Number of genes 71
Genes Ald (LD37852) CG10209 CG10625 CG11148 CG1140 CG11417 (LD38432) CG11877 CG12806 CG1342 CG14230 CG14232 CG14526 CG14655 CG15208 CG1548 CG15814 CG16953 CG17912 (GH18623) CG18317 CG1986 (RE58783) CG2233 (GH20802) CG2503 CG2691 CG30427 CG30467 CG31038 (GH14951) CG3107 CG32106 CG32266 CG3808 CG4293 CG4407 CG4523 CG4709 CG4744 CG4771 CG5002 CG5112 CG5543 (LD31556) CG6608 CG6640 CG6854 (LD27537) CG7456 CG7722 CG8668 CG8866 CG9134 CR43887 Cyp12c1 Cyp28a5 Cyp4p2 Cyp6w1 GH12056 GalNAc-T2 (LD27021) Hs2st Lk6 (GM07658) Mhc PH4alphaNE3 Ptp61F Sirt7 TMS1 ash2 btz eEF1 gamma f-cup l(1)G0397 lok marge pgant3 slo (GH10751) sta