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Result Summary

Number of genes 67
Genes Aats-ala (GM03058) Ama Bsg25D CG14427 CG14896 CG14897 (GM04711) CG16838 CG18445 CG2990 CG31368 (GM03621) CG31534 CG32662 CG33097 CG3654 (LD39559) CG4455 (LD36923) CG5077 CG5888 CG6522 CG7752 CG7986 CG8290 (LD24316) CG8603 CG9619 CR46037 Chd1 Chro Dp1 (LD29992) GH06606 Gad1 (HL02049) Hel89B Lk6 (GM07658) Mkp3 (SD06439) NFAT Nrt (GM09828) Oatp58Db (GH08870) Pitslre Pli RpL39 Sr-CII TBPH Trl (LD41963) ab ap (HL02012) asp cac cas cno corn dan dock inx3 lola (LD28033) mod(mdg4) (LD27582) msl-2 nerfin-1 nuf (RE46851) odd phl (GH03557) pros (GH11848) roX1 run smi35A (GH23334) sog srp trx ush wg