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Result Summary

Number of genes 132
Genes Atet CG10011 (SD01389) CG10073 CG11247 CG11267 CG11771 (SD01727) CG12252 CG12442 CG13110 CG13397 CG13624 CG14507 CG14542 CG14896 CG14980 CG15296 CG1716 CG2124 CG2217 CG3033 CG3056 CG31006 CG31150 CG31160 CG31612 CG31678 (AT26765) CG31974 CG32423 (GM08769) CG32447 (LP07906) CG32705 (GH26280) CG3287 CG32912 CG33157 CG33248 CG3332 CG3409 CG3808 CG3880 CG40006 CG4362 CG4365 CG4607 CG4661 CG4875 CG5171 CG5226 CG5326 CG5800 CG6022 CG6210 CG6230 (GH06032) CG6357 (GM07827) CG6709 CG6726 CG6733 CG6879 CG7306 CG7860 CG8160 CG8408 CG8412 CG8484 CG8583 CG8671 CG8709 CG8939 CG9520 CG9837 CG9947 CR31781 CR32207 CalpA Ccm3 Chmp1 Cpr Crtp CycE (LD22682) Dlc90F ECSIT GalNAc-T1 Hr46 (GH09429) Hs6st Hsp60 LD27104 LP07922 Mer Mgat1 Osi17 PH4alphaNE1 Pvf3 RhoL SD06617 Sara Sce Smvt Tequila (SD02860) Toll-6 Top2 Traf2 Tsp42Ea ana ase beta4GalT7 charybde (GH09771) comr ct (RE08418) dlp dp (LP08904) dpld (LD39167) dre4 drpr eIF2B-beta faf (RE01547) for (LD46758) fz3 gl (GH20219) hdc in kel l(2)37Bb (RE18450) lab lin-28 mnd nerfin-1 nod par-1 (GH14769) rab3-GAP rb tara th tin wor