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Result Summary

Number of genes 171
Genes Atet BcDNA:GH04929 (GM02743) BcDNA:GH10270 BcDNA:RE15216 Bsg25D CG10082 CG10228 CG10479 CG10804 CG11198 CG11880 CG1231 CG12314 CG12550 CG12581 (GM02933) CG13624 CG13645 CG13894 CG13912 CG14427 CG14762 CG14801 (LD38414) CG14896 CG14980 CG15296 CG15530 CG1646 CG16721 CG1737 CG17723 CG1796 CG2162 (LD38004) CG2162 (LD40717) CG30035 (LP03341) CG30115 (GH16956) CG30431 CG31038 (GH14951) CG31522 (LD10305) CG31522 (LD14383) CG31802 CG32705 (GH26280) CG32827 CG33187 CG33248 CG3332 CG3502 CG3964 (AT22192) CG40192 CG40198 CG4124 (SD07532) CG4455 (LD36923) CG4607 CG4710 CG4778 CG5150 CG5171 CG5204 CG5669 CG5822 CG5899 CG5933 CG6191 CG6206 CG6210 CG6234 CG6790 CG7102 (LD40565) CG7306 CG7458 CG7639 CG7916 (LP05416) CG7986 CG8083 CG8147 CG8486 (AT29333) CG8677 (LD41783) CG8745 CG8960 CG9342 CG9512 CG9520 CR32218 CR33963 CR42549 CR43459 CR46179 Cct1 Corp CycT Cyp6d5 Doc{}331 E78 F-element{}1209 GH06606 Glycogenin Gp150 Gug (SD07343) Hmgcr Hsp70Aa Imp (SD07045) Jra KP78b LD09675 LD43581 Mes2 (SD10763) Mkp3 (RE08706) Mkp3 (SD06439) NFAT Optix PH4alphaNE1 Pli Pph13 Ppn Prosap (RE43210) Pvf3 Rapgap1 Rlc1 Sce Sema-1b Su(var)2-HP2 Tailless Ten-a Tequila (SD02860) Traf1 Trl (LD41963) Uhg2 W aay ana argos beta4GalT7 bun cbx charybde (LD22381) chif (LD19808) cp309 drpr ft gem (GH01967) hrg jbug (GH03013) jhamt l(2)01424 l(2)02045 (GH21964) l(3)10615 l(3)82Fd (GH11677) mab-2 (SD05389) marge mask (LD04107) mnd msk (GH01576) mthl3 nesprin numb p130CAS par-1 (GH14769) phl (GH03557) plexA (GM05237) plexA (LD15833) ps roX1 sbb (LD21711) scylla sd skd srp sta tna (LD16921) ttk (LD28689) ush zfh2