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Result Summary

Number of genes 52
Genes Arc70 (LD14031) CG12877 CG14438 (GM06595) CG15296 CG17572 CG31368 (LP02069) CG31759 (AT13596) CG31802 CG32810 (GM03763) CG3994 (RE54080) CG5800 CG8915 CG9573 CR31144 CR32162 CR33963 CR42871 CR44206 CR44850 CR46037 CR46243 Hsp60 Hsp83 MRE16 Obp99a Parp (RE04933) Pdi Rbf (LD02906) RpL37-1 RpS17 RpS27 RpS29 RpS30 Sara Ste12DOR (GM04658) Tailless TwdlY ZIP1 bnb eEF1 gamma eEF5 eIF5 marge pgc plexA (LD15833) ran (GM14354) sas snoRNA:(psi)28S-291 spri (AT01839) sta unc-13 (LD28927)