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Result Summary

Number of genes 54
Genes ?Tub84B ASPP CG10359 (RE57309) CG10522 CG12204 CG16727 CG16798 CG17325 CG17540 CG17726 (RE41779) CG31751 CG32062 (AT24801) CG33130 (AT18914) CG3683 CG3799 CG40293 (Stlk) CG4908 CG5155 CG5175 CG6119 (GH16917) CG6709 CG7458 CG8062 CG8282 (RE38002) CG9252 (LD08911) CG9316 CG9455 CG9528 CG9577 CR31969 (GH01205) CR45184 Cys Lk6 (GM07658) Lkr MESR6 Nmdar1 Patj RpLP1 Sdc (LD08230) Spn (LD45234) Stat92E Tom Vha26 (GH03683) beta-Spec brm cno dia dlg1 (LD33841) ferrochelatase hyd l(2)05070 (RE44901) ppa tor wgn