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Result Summary

Number of genes 68
Genes Aats-arg Ady43A Atpalpha (GH23483) BcDNA:GH10270 BcDNA:SD10530 Best2 BicD Bsg25A Bsg25D CG10082 CG10805 CG11798 (LD36410) CG12734 CG14408 (GH19670) CG14438 (GM06595) CG14617 CG14998 CG15236 CG15634 CG17324 CG1962 CG33067 CG33130 (AT18914) CG5077 CG5175 CG5226 CG6045 CG6234 CG7972 CG8654 CG9775 CR42862 CR46037 CycB Cyp306a1 Lk6 (GM07658) Nrt (LD22004) Ptr Rh50 RpL32 Ste12DOR (GM04658) Taf4 bnb btsz (LP02621) cp309 dpld (LD02463) ds eIF-4G (RE51676) fng hrg l(1)G0331 l(1)dd4 (GM14553) loner (RE02556) mod mys nullo odd pgc ppa raps (LD33695) rib run sca sog stwl tld trio (GH01987) trio (SD08659)