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Result Summary

Number of genes 62
Genes BcDNA:LP08165 CG10516 CG10621 CG10960 CG1102 CG12896 CG13795 CG14629 CG14991 (LD36089) CG17754 (LP02641) CG1837 CG30035 (LP03341) CG30035 (RH04286) CG3097 CG31002 CG31705 CG31775 (LP03565) CG3246 CG32549 CG32714 CG3683 CG42611 (mgl) CG4306 CG5171 CG5888 CG6206 CG6234 CG7272 CG7860 CG8147 CG8398 CG8602 CG8913 CG9342 CG9449 CG9524 Chit Cp1 (GH06439) Cyp304a1 Cyp309a2 Cyp4e2 Cyp6a8 Cyp6d5 Cyp9f3Psi (RE06354) Cyt-b5-r Ent2 Fer1HCH Idgf3 Lip4 Lsd-2 Oatp30B Oatp58Dc Sap-r Smvt Spn3 Tps1 (GH08860) ds gem (GH01967) in l(3)01239 (RE13908) nrv1 rap