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Result Summary

Number of genes 107
Genes Best1 CG10139 CG10249 CG10513 CG10516 CG10621 CG10936 (RE29777) CG10960 CG10992 CG11236 CG12214 CG12290 CG1273 CG12734 CG12896 CG13043 CG1309 CG13366 CG13397 CG13848 CG13850 CG13912 CG14476 CG14629 CG15382 CG17223 CG17290 CG17754 (LP02641) CG1837 CG2964 CG30035 (RH04286) CG30194 CG3097 CG31006 CG31160 CG31732 (SD06513) CG3246 CG32549 CG32714 CG32796 (SD07678) CG33130 (AT18914) CG4440 CG4500 CG5508 CG5555 CG5873 CG5973 CG6404 CG6986 CG7337 (LD47622) CG7470 CG7702 CG8234 CG8398 CG8408 CG8481 CG8579 CG8665 CG9342 CG9449 CG9524 CR14033 CR31781 Cyp12d1-d Cyp9f3Psi (RE06354) Cyt-b5-r Dys (RE11449) E78 EcR (RE16656) Eip75B (GM04985) Esp Gs2 KrT95D (GM03043) Lip4 Lsd-2 MAGE Nmdmc Oatp58Dc RhoBTB RhoGAPp190 (RE10888) RpS30 Smvt Spn (LD45234) Spn3 Spn43Aa Tk Tps1 (GH08860) Tps1 (RE05454) Vps28 Zip88E alpha-Est7 blp crc desat1 (RH21245) didum drpr esc grim mu2 myoglianin or par-6 pav ppl slp1 smp-30 wun