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Result Summary

Number of genes 135
Genes 412{}878 AP-1sigma BcDNA:LP08165 Best1 CG10082 CG10516 CG10621 CG10960 CG10992 CG1102 CG12214 CG13397 CG13795 CG13848 CG13887 CG13907 CG13912 CG14021 CG14476 CG14629 CG1544 CG1548 CG15814 CG15828 CG1600 CG17754 (LP02641) CG1837 CG30035 (LP03341) CG30035 (RH04286) CG3097 CG31002 CG3164 CG31705 CG31775 (LP03565) CG3246 CG32549 CG32714 CG32796 (SD07678) CG33099 CG3534 CG3683 CG3829 CG42611 (mgl) CG4306 CG5149 CG5171 CG5508 CG5888 CG5973 CG6206 CG6234 CG6986 CG7188 CG7272 CG7331 (LD09558) CG7510 CG7702 CG7860 CG8147 CG8234 CG8398 CG8408 CG8602 CG8665 CG8913 CG9342 CG9444 CG9449 CG9524 CalpB Chit Cp1 (GH06439) Cyp304a1 Cyp309a2 Cyp4e2 Cyp6a8 Cyp6d5 Cyt-b5-r Dp1 (LD21383) Dys (RE11449) Eip75B (GM04985) Ent1 Ent2 Esp Fer1HCH Gs2 Idgf3 Idgf4 Lip4 Lsd-2 Mip Nmdmc Oatp30B Oatp58Db (GH08870) Oatp58Dc Oscillin Prat2 Prx2540-2 RhoGAPp190 (RE10888) Sap-r Smvt Spn3 Tk Tps1 (GH08860) Tps1 (RE05454) bip1 bun cos crc crq desat1 (RH21245) dro5 drpr ds fwd gel (GH21853) hb hoe1 in jbug (GH03118) l(1)G0196 mab-2 (SD05389) mfas nonA-l nrv1 ppl rhea rogdi roo{}316 smp-30 th tok (GH23184) unc-13 (LD28927) vri wun