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Result Summary

Number of genes 69
Genes 412{}878 ACXC Atx2 (GH01409) Best1 CG10082 CG10249 CG10479 CG10621 CG11915 CG12214 CG12290 CG13043 CG13397 CG14021 CG15309 CG15382 CG1600 CG18659 CG2909 CG30118 CG30497 (GH21034) CG31160 CG31531 (GH25780) CG31705 CG31732 (SD06513) CG33130 (AT18914) CG33229 CG5508 CG5516 CG5958 CG5973 CG6206 CG6579 CG7611 CG8579 CG9342 CR33938 (pncr002:3R) CR42651 CR42862 CR46037 Cyp304a1 Cyp6d5 E78 Eip75B (GM04985) KrT95D (GM03043) LD14268 Oatp30B Prat2 RpS17 RpS30 Spn (LD45234) Tailless Tps1 (GH08860) Zip88E bip1 bun drpr ds eEF5 gem (GH01967) gl (GH20219) l(3)82Fd (GH11677) lt marge nmo (LD42550) sdk (LD22322) term tinc unc-13 (LD28927)