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Result Summary

Number of genes 86
Genes 18w 412{}878 Act87E (RE12057) Alk BcDNA:SD08734 CG10035 CG10882 CG10960 CG11905 CG12094 CG12885 CG13868 CG2162 (LD38004) CG30015 (GH22734) CG30023 CG30115 (AT03020) CG31012 CG31607 CG32026 CG32030 (LD24110) CG32046 (RE37150) CG32372 CG32796 (SD07678) CG4194 CG42611 (mgl) CG4440 CG5295 CG5522 (LD04722) CG5867 (GH05536) CG6860 CG7337 (LD47622) CG8557 CG8583 CG8965 CG9307 CG9372 CG9503 CR44898 Chc Dl Doc1 Doc2 Ect4 (GH07037) Fas2 Glu-RIIA Gp150 Hs6st LD14268 Mcr Mipp1 (RE51662) Mnt NetA Patj Sdc (LD08230) Sdc (RE22862) Srp54k (AT23778) Su(var)2-HP2 Tequila (GH28017) Tl (RE46574) ap (SD05618) argos bgm (GM14009) bnl bs dia dlp dm (LD32539) dpp drm drpr ds ewg ft fwd lmd mab-2 (SD05389) mfas ovo (LD47350) pdm2 (RE49429) peb rhea roo{}316 sano (RE56731) sas tkv twi (AT15089)