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Result Summary

Number of genes 66
Genes AP-1gamma ARP-like Arf79F CG10096 (GH01346) CG10960 CG11727 (GH08923) CG12177 CG13678 CG14995 CG15022 CG15743 CG16798 CG17271 CG3136 (LD12677) CG3226 CG32626 (RE05438) CG32632 (LP09162) CG33129 (AT01533) CG33130 (GH09618) CG33248 CG3534 CG3760 CG4738 CG5687 CG6119 (GH16917) CG7675 CG7860 CG8080 CG9009 CG9186 (LP01162) CG9240 CG9775 CR42549 Coprox Cyp304a1 DNaseII ERR EcR (LD26915) Eip75B (GM04985) GlcAT-P (LD23788) Hr39 Hr46 (GH09429) Hr46 (GH21112) Nlp Obp99a PH4alphaSG2 Pdp1 Pif1A (GH12504) Pp1alpha-96A Sdc (RE22862) Sgs4 (GM04578) Wnt4 alpha-Spec caup cnc ect ftz-f1 (LD34889) hoe1 ligatin par-6 peb ptr ref(2)P (RE24064) svp (AT29920) usp zormin