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Result Summary

Number of genes 54
Genes AGO2 (RE04347) ApepP Bc CG10249 CG10992 CG11915 CG12164 CG12177 CG12880 CG15739 CG1600 CG17052 CG17816 CG31363 (LD21358) CG31523 CG31764 (RE18101) CG32103 (RE56970) CG32446 CG32626 (GH10492) CG33248 CG3590 CG3906 CG4875 CG6330 CG9119 CG9184 CG9400 CR42549 Cp1 (GH06439) Cyp306a1 Ero1L Fas2 Fas3 Fmo-2 Hsc70-3 IP3K1 Jafrac1 (GM14788) Lsd-1 Ranbp21 Surf4 Tailless Traf1 elk fbl fbp (GH23730) fus (LP10580) gl (GH20219) mio pav polo rtGEF slp1 tok (GH23184) trn