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Result Summary

Number of genes 57
Genes ATPsyn-beta Best2 CAH1 CG10249 CG11066 CG11086 CG11409 CG11583 CG12091 CG1273 CG13983 CG14102 CG14516 CG14886 CG15005 CG15884 CG16798 CG17068 CG17286 CG18431 CG2016 CG2767 CG31751 CG31764 (RE18101) CG32354 CG4060 CG42611 (mgl) CG5618 CG5873 CG6879 CG6967 CG8213 CG8638 CG8740 CG9007 (LD34994) CG9747 CR33987 CR42651 CR46037 Cat Cpr DHR51 GH22170 Hsp60 Med6 Nos Rh50 SdhB Spn (LD45234) Spn27A ab argos cad ect kst mio ptr