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Result Summary

Number of genes 151
Genes ARP-like Ack (GH10777) Act87E (RE12057) Adh (GH01616) Akap200 (LD42903) Apc2 CG10035 CG10211 CG10345 CG10359 (RE57309) CG10960 CG11198 CG11555 CG11583 CG11659 CG12050 CG12091 CG12104 CG12177 CG12340 CG1240 CG13424 CG13506 (RE21686) CG13627 CG14447 CG14516 CG14869 CG17124 CG17273 (LD32788) CG2124 CG2260 CG30015 (GH22734) CG30085 (LD22218) CG30349 CG3104 CG31140 CG31391 CG31531 (GH25780) CG31675 CG31810 CG31826 CG32081 (AT21186) CG32159 CG32833 CG3295 CG33253 CG3689 CG3960 (GH23906) CG3975 (GH08865) CG4679 CG5094 CG5525 CG5720 CG5886 CG6022 CG6119 (GH16917) CG6190 CG6459 CG6673 CG7033 CG7578 CG7658 CG7859 CG7993 CG8003 CG8062 CG8129 CG8443 (GM10569) CG8443 (LD19312) CG8778 CG8780 CG9112 CG9192 CG9194 CG9436 CG9699 (LD19219) CG9865 CalpB Cyp12d1-d Dbp73D Doa (LD44053) Dref Eaat1 EcR (LD26915) EcR (RE16656) Ect4 (GH20978) Ephrin Esp Fas3 Hr46 (GH21112) KrT95D (GM03043) Mhc Mlc-c Mlc2 Msp-300 (GH02446) Msp-300 (LP10936) Nacalpha NetA Nrt (GM09828) Oatp30B Paip2 Pdp1 Pi3K68D (LD28067) ProsMA5 Rlip RpL7 Rs1 (GM05306) Scs-fp (GH13919) Sdc (LD08230) Spn (LD45234) Stat92E Tm1 (GH09289) Traf1 Trp1 UTPase Vha16 (GH09168) W XRCC1 ara argos beat-IIa blue bs bt (GH07636) caup charybde (GH09771) chico dia dlp dp (LP08904) dpp ewg fwd gem (GH01967) gol gukh (RE59757) jing kst l(1)G0022 lig mRpL30 rhea rt scrib (LD43989) sug vimar vis wal (GH09945) wgn wun zormin