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Result Summary

Number of genes 109
Genes 5-HT7 AP-1gamma AcCoAS Acon Ance CG10650 CG10971 (LD16566) CG12393 CG13321 CG1409 CG14414 (AT01764) CG14869 CG1516 CG15261 CG15884 CG18493 CG18659 CG2310 CG2930 CG30085 (LD22218) CG30116 (AT26369) CG30116 (GH04922) CG30118 CG30384 CG31004 (LP04442) CG3104 CG3106 CG31100 CG31160 CG31343 (GH24371) CG3295 CG33128 CG3699 CG4040 CG4734 CG4778 CG5326 CG5822 CG6022 CG6206 CG6234 CG6404 CG6455 CG6467 (LP10918) CG6483 CG6981 CG7470 CG7678 CG7702 CG7860 CG7870 (GH09240) CG8062 CG8083 CG8134 CG8486 (LD05120) CG8665 CG8671 CG8713 CG8740 CG9047 CG9215 CG9316 CG9342 CG9568 CR33963 Cpr Dl Dp1 (LD21383) Ect4 (GH07037) F-element{}1209 Gclm HM_CR43261 Hsp60 Hsp83 ImpE2 LanA Nlp Pdp1 Scs-fp (GH13919) Spn43Aa Tom40 Traf1 Traf3 Vha16 (GH09168) Vha26 (GH03683) Vha68-2 Wnt4 a alpha-Est5 bnb bw cad ct (RE08418) eEF1delta ftz-f1 (LD34889) kay l(2)44DEa (LP07340) mab-2 (SD05389) mei-P26 peb rgr (SD02665) sds22 (GH07711) smi35A (LD02884) sug trn viaf1 vib wun zormin