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Result Summary

Number of genes 100
Genes AP-1gamma Aats-asn Aats-cys CG10936 (RE29777) CG11375 CG11526 CG12093 CG12918 CG13890 CG14391 CG14476 CG14991 (LD36089) CG15433 CG1544 CG16926 CG17027 CG17802 CG18162 (GM03574) CG18480 (LP08921) CG30079 CG31004 (LP04442) CG31272 CG31361 CG31751 CG32137 CG33080 (RH04764) CG3702 CG3994 (RE54080) CG40192 CG4301 CG4389 CG4679 CG5288 CG5682 CG5973 CG6014 (GH11973) CG6022 CG6191 CG6295 CG6337 CG6726 CG6733 CG6738 CG6891 CG6981 CG6986 CG7115 CG7228 CG7658 CG7702 CG8080 CG8104 CG8443 (LD19312) CG9009 CG9119 CG9568 CG9578 CG9628 CG9699 (LP06017) CR31386 CR31953 CR33987 CR42839 CR44807 CR45018 Chd3 Cyp6a18 Eaat1 Eip75B (GM04985) Fas2 Gld HLHm3 Hnf4 Klp3A Lsp2 Mlc-c MtnA Nup154 Osi17 Scs-fp (GH13919) SdhB Tequila (SD02860) Tim10 Tom40 Traf3 Vha26 (GH03683) VhaM9.7-2 a cad cpsf fkh ine (HL05815) l(1)G0230 l(2)35Bg l(2)35Df (GH07290) mas sm (GH05823) vri wal (GH09945) wun