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Result Summary

Number of genes 64
Genes Aats-gly Adgf-A Adh (GH01616) BcDNA:LP08165 CG1102 CG11375 CG11416 CG11583 CG13366 CG1516 CG1544 CG15828 CG1583 CG16758 CG30079 CG31160 CG31775 (LP03565) CG33128 CG33129 CG33248 CG3505 CG3906 CG4778 CG5508 CG6022 CG6230 (GH06032) CG7470 CG8080 CG8134 CG8502 CG8586 CG8913 CG9009 CG9286 CG9305 CG9342 CG9629 CR33963 Cg25C (GM04010) Cnx99A (AT22968) Cnx99A (GH08684) Cyp12d1-d DNaseII Dp1 (LD21383) Dp1 (LD21677) ERp60 Fas2 Glt Hsp60 LanA Lsd-1 Nep2 Nhe2 Noa36 Nrt (LD22004) Nup154 Tps1 (GH08860) capt dp (SD02173) pug rgr (SD02665) viaf1 vib vri