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Result Summary

Number of genes 70
Genes ASPP Best1 CG10211 CG10249 CG10433 CG10936 (RE29777) CG11836 CG12164 CG13826 CG14102 CG14960 CG1572 CG17052 CG2767 CG30427 CG30463 (RE10344) CG31176 CG3136 (LD12677) CG31523 CG31675 CG32159 CG32354 CG32447 (LP07906) CG32626 (GH10492) CG32626 (RE05438) CG32796 (SD07678) CG3287 CG33009 CG6230 (GH06032) CG7549 CG8129 CG8213 CG8486 (LD05120) CG8740 CG9215 CG9326 (vari) CG9628 CG9747 CG9850 CG9892 CR33987 CR42839 CR44807 CR45030 Cip4 (GM03419) Cp1 (GH06439) DHR51 HLHm3 ImpL1 Mlc-c Mp20 Msp-300 (LP10936) S2P Tm1 (GH09289) Tps1 (GH08860) Xbp1 betaCop dyl eEF1delta ect fkh ligatin mio nop5 sas sda (GH07466) tok (GH23184) tup vis vri