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Result Summary

Number of genes 67
Genes ?Tub84B AGO2 (RE04347) ASPP CG11267 CG11380 CG12164 CG1273 CG12734 CG12858 CG14639 CG14960 CG15005 CG15022 CG15239 CG15884 CG16798 CG2767 CG30463 (RE10344) CG32159 CG32645 CG32972 CG33129 CG33456 CG3588 CG42611 (mgl) CG42679 (Lmpt) CG4576 CG5756 CG6234 CG6879 CG7675 CG8486 (AT29333) CG9184 CG9578 CG9747 CG9796 CR45713 Cad96Ca Chc DHR51 Dl E(var)3-9 Esp Glu-RIIA Hsc70-3 ImpE2 ImpL1 LanA Nep2 Osi6 Traf1 TwdlN a ab bnb dpa dyl ect fkh ft kst mio sas scrib (LD43989) tin tld trn