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Result Summary

Number of genes 95
Genes Ack (GH10777) Act42A Act87E (RE14441) Adgf-A AnnX CG10073 CG10732 CG11066 CG11382 CG1146 CG11836 CG13397 CG13912 CG15022 CG1572 CG18431 CG2930 CG30035 (RH04286) CG30116 (GH04922) CG31146 (Nlg1) CG31363 (LD21358) CG31523 CG31530 (RE02696) CG31531 (GH25780) CG31675 CG31871 CG32046 (LP08452) CG32672 CG32714 CG33130 (AT18914) CG3719 CG3960 (GH23906) CG4576 CG4734 CG5177 CG5656 CG6022 CG6040 (GM03427) CG6234 CG6356 CG6634 CG7033 CG7702 CG7888 CG8237 CG8486 (AT29333) CG8486 (LD05120) CG8557 CG8568 CG9628 CG9674 CG9699 (LD19219) CG9699 (LP06017) CHIP CR42862 Fas1 Fas2 Fkbp13 (GM07659) Fpps (RE52884) GluRIID Hr46 (GH21112) Hsc70-3 ImpL1 LP07922 Mcr Mipp1 (RE51662) Nhe2 Nrt (LD22004) Pif1A (GH05455) Rh50 Rlip Sdc (LD08230) Sdc (RE22862) Sep2 Spn (LD45234) Spn27A a beat-IIa bnb charybde (GH09771) fng glec jumu kn l(1)G0193 mab-21 (RE21580) mio phtf rhea rst sano (RE56731) tin tup vri wupA