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Result Summary

Number of genes 114
Genes ATPsyn-beta Aats-gln Apc2 CG10361 CG10936 (RE29777) CG10960 CG11015 CG12565 CG12734 CG12858 CG12880 CG13318 CG13631 CG14391 CG14629 CG14948 CG14995 CG15021 CG15382 CG18431 CG2767 CG2930 CG30463 (RE10344) CG31121 (RE11181) CG31176 CG32137 CG32796 (SD07678) CG33129 CG33229 CG3332 CG33456 CG3960 (GH23906) CG4511 (GM03430) CG4679 CG5384 CG5525 CG5873 CG6634 CG6751 CG6803 (RH68506) CG6879 CG6967 CG7993 CG8213 CG8370 CG8443 (LD19312) CG8557 CG8638 CG8740 CG9326 (vari) CG9444 CG9628 CG9699 (LD19219) CHORD CR32194 CR33987 CR42549 CR46037 Cad96Ca Cctgamma Chc Dl Dp1 (LD21677) E78 ERR ERp60 Eaat1 Ect4 (GH20978) Ets65A (GH07491) F-element{}1209 Fas1 Fas3 GM03761 Glu-RIIA HLHm3 Hs6st Hsc70-3 Hsp60 Hsp83 KdelR LD14268 Msp-300 (GH02446) Nhe2 Orc5 Oscp Osi17 Osi6 Pdp1 Pi3K68D (LD28067) RpS3 (GH06471) Rx Sap-r Sdc (RE22862) Ser Stat92E TfIIS Thd1 (LP11673) Traf1 Ugt36Bc W Wnt4 ab argos betaCop dlp dpp fwd pgant8 sas sbb (SD01229) scrib (LD43989) slp1 tok (GH23184) tup